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Welcome, educators!

Amplify and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) have partnered to provide Texas school communities with access to high-quality, TEKS-aligned K–8 core and supplemental resources.

Below you will find resources by program designed specifically for you!

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Amplify Texas

Support through out the school year

The educator hub provides timely resources for beginning of year, middle of year, and end of year supports as you move through your implementation with Amplify.

What can I find here?

Getting started

It’s the beginning of year (BOY) and you’re ready to jump into the new school year and get started quickly.

Review the Amplify Texas Quick Start kits to learn more about navigating the program, exploring powerful instructional materials, and more.

Teaching with Amplify

It’s the middle of year (MOY) and you’re into the swing of teaching with Amplify.

Check the teaching sections to review regularly updated tips by Amplify experts on topics such as managing materials, preparing for instruction, assessments, and more.

Continuous learning

It’s the end of year (EOY) and you’re bringing learning for the year to a close, but need to keep the momentum going.

Explore the program pages to find opportunities to continue your professional learning, program updates, and more.

Amplify Texas resources by program

Select your program(s)

Choose a product below to view resources designed specifically for Texas educators:

Grounded in Amplify’s gold-standard assessment mCLASS® Texas and research-backed mCLASS Intervention, the Amplify Tutoring solution can be delivered virtually by Amplify tutors in a Full-Service Model. Amplify can also provide Materials and Training to district-managed tutors for either in-person or virtual tutoring.

Amplify Professional Development

Whether you’re implementing our programs for the first time or strengthening instructional practices in year two and beyond, our goal is to support your professional growth and help all students succeed.

Visit to learn more!

The Elementary Literacy Program (ELP): Amplify ELAR Texas (English) and Amplify SLAR Texas (Spanish) core programs for grades K-5 are aligned to TEKS and built on the science teaching reading.

mCLASS® Texas Edition and mCLASS Lectura provides a full K–6 assessment solution, enabling you to leverage and connect valuable student data from the beginning of their literacy journey to later grades, reflecting a reliable and valid view of every student’s progression in English and Spanish assessments.

Amplify ELAR Texas for grades 6-8 features multicultural literature and high-quality multimedia lessons grounded in the TEKS – and was designed for the way middle schoolers learn today.

Boost Reading Texas is a K–8 student-driven literacy program that provides both remediation and enrichment for all students, leveraging the power of compelling storytelling to engage students in personalized reading instruction and practice. Boost Lectura is a research-based, digital literacy curriculum that provides personalized, authentic Spanish literacy instruction and practice for students in Grades K–2, and is the only program to include instruction based on the latest research in comprehension and a fully adaptive scope and sequence.

Need help?

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We are ready to assist you with on-demand live chat. Support hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET. To connect with our support team, log on to, navigate to the bottom right corner of your screen, and click the live chat icon. We’re happy to help with specific questions or guide you to answers in our help collection.

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From the log in page at, select help to access additional support.

Sign up or log in

Sign up with Amplify

If you still need to sign-up, select “Sign up now” or log into your account using your Amplify Texas credentials to view your Amplify Texas program(s).

Log in to Amplify

If you’ve never logged in to Amplify programs before, our Login Instructions page will help you get started.

Not sure which programs your district has purchased?
Talk to your district administrator or contact our Customer Care and Support team at—share your name and district, and they can provide you with this information.